Friday, February 21, 2020

Write an essay that discusses what James Tate,Robert Bly, Billy

Write an that discusses what James Tate,Robert Bly, Billy Collins,and Mattew Dickman think a good poem is.what does a good poem do how can we evaluate a poem properly - Essay Example Writing a poem that has much significance requires time. Writing a poem is not simple because in order for one to write a poem, they should know how to twist their words, use jargons and know how to express their own feelings into the poem. Individuals have in the past praised poems for the power they possess and signify, while others have not been in support of them simply because they cannot understand the concept behind them (Ross, 303). Certain scholars described what a good poem is supposed to be, what it was supposed to signify and how good poems are evaluated. The scholars; James Tate, Robert Bly, Collins, Matthew Dickman described a good poem as a piece of literature that individuals are able to relate with. A good poem incorporates the aspect of culture, which is noteworthy since culture is what every single being follows. A poem that significantly speaks about the cultures of people is simply a good poem since readers can relate it to the life they live. A good poem relates to the reader in a sentimental way. There is sentimental value between the reader and the poem. From the metaphors used to the complex language structure, a good poem is designed to show insight or certain revelation. It is supposed to show significance to the reader; from the way the words rhyme to the way they are twisted. A good poem does not necessarily reflect the writers’ own personal experience. It can just be a fantasy, yet it makes sense and in a way relates to the reader (Ross, 307). Most writers write poems because they have a passion and derive a certain level of satisfaction from their work. They write to let their feelings known, to be recognized as people who relate with words. A good poem is a piece of literary writing that rejuvenates the reader. The primary goal of a good poem is to focus all the attention of the reader into the poem. It should not be channeled towards

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Occupational Risk Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Occupational Risk - Research Paper Example One such substance that has received a lot of attention due to its significantly negative effect on human health; this substance is asbestos. Creating applicable risk assessments to make the necessary determinations to prevent the health risk involved with the presence of asbestos in our lives is a worthwhile one; primarily because the side effects of extreme exposure is rather harsh. Asbestos is a fibrous material that is naturally occurring on the planet. There are a few different colors, white and brown, and each asbestos fiber can be 700 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair (Princeton University, 2012).It became very popular as a form of strong insolation, as well as, being fire and chemical resistant, it was added to traditional construction of many buildings, facilities, and homes. There is likely asbestos used in fire-proofing spray, ceiling and floor tiles, siding shingles, ceiling textures, plasters, and most puttys, caulks, and cements. Buildings that were built after 1981 will likely contain less of this material as the health dangers were slowly becoming more and more verifiable. However, buildings constructed before 1981 likely has installed asbestos or products used that contained asbestos (Princeton University, 2012). Human beings can face extreme health dangers when exposed too often or for too long to asbestos fibers. The fibers enter the body through inhalation and lodge themselves in the pleura, the lining of the lungs, and may rest there for decades before contributing to serious health conditions, which include asbestosis, a restrictive lung disease, lung cancer, and mesothelioma, a very aggressive form of cancer that forms in the lining of lungs and chest (Princeton University, 2012). Most people who develop conditions due to asbestos exposure usually do not experience symptoms for, sometimes, decades after exposure occurred. Plants are, in most cases, unaffected by the naturally occurring asbestos existing in the environment. H owever, certain types of roofing shingles, containing an asbestos and tar mixture, when they are shed can cause growth and developmental issues in plants that are exposed. Animals can, in fact, be affected negatively by exposure to asbestos, as well. In the wild the ratio for different wildlife may not be immediately calculable, but domestic animals are definitely at risk. Dogs, in particular, are sensitive to the cancer causing effects of asbestos exposure. However, their response is far more immediate than humans. Most dogs will show the cancerous outcome of their exposure statistically by the time they are 8-years-old, if not younger (Mesothelioma & Asbestos Awareness Center, 2010). The exposure ratios that have been determined for homes, of course, are determined by the content of asbestos that exists in your home and how often you are exposed to it. Older homes should be tested and repaired of any damage and the asbestos replaced with safer alternatives. Updating and renovating older homes, is, also, a fantastic way to eliminate at home issues with asbestos (Morgan, 2007). Because asbestos is a naturally occurring material human beings can have limited and non-harmful interaction with the material. It is when the fibers begin to break away and become airborne. Once they